WWCC Honors Students Sponsoring Food Drive

cans-22150_640SWEETWATER COUNTY – Honors Program students at Western Wyoming Community College are holding the program’s annual food drive from now through Monday, Feb. 29 to benefit the Food Bank of Sweetwater County. Collection boxes are located at the Rock Springs and Green River campuses, WWCC said in a release today.300x250_RMB

Honors students will also sell raffle tickets for gift cards and other donated items from area businesses. Raffle tickets will be sold at the Pendulum on the Rock Springs campus from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. every day this week, and at Rushmore Gymnasium on Saturday, Feb. 27, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., during the men’s Region IX North basketball playoff game. One hundred percent of those proceeds will be donated to the Food Bank.

Campus community members and residents of Sweetwater County are invited to bring their donations to one of the campus locations and assist the Food Bank.