URA Plans Downtown Improvements For 2016

The upcoming year will be a busy one for the Rock Springs Urban Renewal Agency.RMB

The URA adopted their Vision 2020 plan in 2015. This plan consists of goals and objectives the URA would like to see accomplished by the end of year 2020.

Chad Banks, URA manager, says there are many things to look forward to in 2016 as a part of the Vision 2020 plan.

Banks identified the following highlights for 2016:

  • Complete renovations of Bunning Hall
    • “The north side still has some cinder block openings that we want to restore and make those historically accurate,” said Banks.
  • Bank court use
    • “We’re going to expand some of the usage of bank court with a brown bag concert series during the lunch hour.”
  • Install new flowers/planters downtown
  • Continuing with the Art Underground Art Gallery in the pedestrian underpass
  • Looking into grant opportunities, particularly for the bakery downtown

“So, you’ll continue to see lots of new improvements,” Banks said of the upcoming year.

To see the complete Vision 2020 Plan, click here.