SEDC To Conduct Business Walk Survey

The Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition in partnership with the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce, Green River Chamber of Commerce and Western Wyoming Community College will be conducting a Business Walk Survey.

Members of both Rock Springs and Green River Chambers of Commerce volunteer committees will be hitting the streets the week of April 3-13, 2018. The goal for this survey is to gather information from local businesses in Sweetwater County and use feedback to develop adequate programs as well as helping provide the necessary resources they may need to be successful and retaining employees.

The SEDC’s Business Retention and Expansion Committee has been tasked with identifying ways to grow and retain businesses in Sweetwater County. The committee members believe that it is very important to reach out and talk to the businesses in Sweetwater County. In doing this, they are asking local businesses for input regarding workforce needs, quality of life and the overall economy.

The survey should take three to five minutes of time to conduct. Additional feedback may be provided to SEDC after the survey has been conducted with a volunteer.

The Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition is partnering with the WWCC Business Information Systems class to help conduct the survey as well as develop a final report of the findings. The students will help tally the results and develop a report which will be provided to SEDC. The results will be shared with the SEDC’s partnering entities, the community, and member businesses.

This will then help the SEDC as they develop the programs and services needed in Sweetwater County.

If you have any questions regarding the survey and or would like to provide additional feedback to the Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition, please contact CEO Dave Hanks or Business Development Manager, Kayla McDonald at 362-3771.