Green River and Rock Springs High Schools Compete To Raise Money For Make-A-Wish

Make a WishGreen River and Rock Springs High Schools are competing for their title in another charity competition.

Beginning on February 4, 2016, the rival schools will compete to see who can collect the most money for Make-A-Wish® Wyoming. Each school has 14 days of event packed fundraising for the cause.RS Airport

The schools participate in a program called Kids for Wish Kids, which encourages high school students to raise money for children who are battling life-threatening medical conditions.

According to Make-A-Wish® Wyoming, the program began in Wyoming in the year 2000 with five schools that raised $2,219. Last year, 32 schools from around the state participated raising $182,727 for Make-A-Wish Wyoming. High school students have creative leeway to create fundraisers that will work best at their schools and in their communities. The schools compete for awards and recognition at the Wyoming Association of Student Councils conference each fall.

Sweetwater County’s high schools became involved with the program in 2004, raising a combined $1,569 that year. Last year, Green River and Rock Springs high schools raised a combined $49,990.

“Green River and Rock Springs High Schools have raised more than any other across the state to help grant the wishes of Wyoming children,” said Morgan Legerski, CEO of Make-A-Wish Wyoming. “In the last 30 years, there have been 43 wish kids from Sweetwater County. Nearly all of those wishes granted were made possible by the fundraising done by Green River and Rock Springs High Schools. Wyoming’s Kids for Wish Kids program is just outstanding. We are continually impressed by the work and enthusiasm of all the kids who participate from around the state.”

Below is a schedule of public events for both schools.


Thursday, Feb. 4

Dodgeball tournament. Tournament begins at 7 p.m. at Green River High School. The community is welcome to play. Cost is $5 per person or $30 for a six-person team. Cost of admission for non-participants is $3 or a donation of high value.

Saturday, Feb. 6

Make-A-Wish Archery Shoot from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Red Barn. Sponsored by White Mountain Archers. Community participants welcome. Gift baskets will be raffled.

Monday, Feb. 8

Co-ed volleyball tournament beginning at 7 p.m. Community teams welcome. Cost is $5 per person or $30 for a six-person team. Cost of admission for non-participants is $3 or a donation of high value.

Tuesday, Feb. 9

Green River versus Rock Springs Nerf Wars. Games begin at 7 p.m. at Green River High School. Cost to participate is $5.00 or $30 per six-person team. Community teams welcome. Cost to non-participants is $3 or a donation of high value. Gift baskets will be raffled.

Wednesday, Feb. 10

Wrestling dual at Rock Springs High School. Tables will be set up for each school to collect donations.

Friday, Feb. 12

Green River High School basketball game. Gift baskets will be raffled. There will also be a carnival wheel at the basketball game, free food and coupons.

Saturday, Feb. 13

Alumni basketball game – Green River High School versus Rock Springs High School in Rock Springs.

Tuesday, Feb. 16

McWish Night from 5-8:30 p.m. at the Green River McDonald’s

Wednesday, Feb. 17

Bonfire at the Green River High School parking lot beginning at 7:30 p.m. Hot chocolate, S’mores and music. Admission is $2.

Thursday, Feb. 18

Dress up day in Make-A-Wish t-shirts.

Green River versus Rock Springs basketball in Rock Springs. Game begins at 7:30 p.m.



Friday, Feb. 5

Winger’s will donate 10 percent of sales from 5-10 p.m. to Rock Springs High School for Make-A-Wish

Saturday, Feb. 6

Zumba class from 9-10:30 a.m. in the Tiger Arena

Dance camp from 1-3 p.m. in the Tiger Arena

Monday, Feb. 8

Talent competition from 6-9 p.m. in the Junior High Auditorium

Tuesday, Feb. 9

McDonald’s night (on Sunset) from 5-8 p.m. 15 percent of sales during that time will go to Make-A-Wish. Students will also collect additional donations at McDonald’s during that time.

Wednesday, Feb. 10

Nerf Wars from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Tiger Arena

Thursday, Feb. 11

Sno N’ Jo from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. All tips will go to Make-A-Wish as well as a percentage of sales

Art Auction in main high school hallway 5-8 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 12

Art Auction in main high school hallway 8-11 a.m.

Saturday, Feb. 13

Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser from 8-10 a.m. Cost per ticket is $7 for all-you-can eat pancakes and bacon

Alumni basketball game Green River versus Rock Springs 6 p.m. in the Tiger Arena

Monday, Feb. 15

Yoga at 10 a.m. in the aerobics room

Traveling bake sale

IHOP – Event to be determined

Tuesday, Feb. 16

Taco Time – Event details to be determined