Enzi: Airport Security Needs Innovation To Reduce Delays [VIDEO]

Washington, D.C. – As reports of travelers missing their flights due to long security lines at airports become more frequent, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., wants to make sure that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is ready to find solutions.  300x250_RMB

At a hearing today on Capitol Hill, Enzi told TSA Administrator Peter Neffenger, that as a frequent flyer who travels between Washington and Wyoming most weekends, he is very worried about the management and efficiency of security checkpoints.

“Several times I’ve found a manager at one of these checkpoints and asked them some questions, like why they had three people training one person at how to look at a driver’s license instead of having two of those people helping somewhere else,” Enzi said.

Along with offering other suggestions, such as monitoring inefficient baggage screeners or directing PreCheck flyers to regular lines if they are shorter, Enzi wanted to ensure that the TSA had an incentive system for employees to offer their own improvement suggestions.

According to Neffenger, the TSA understands that its employees on the front line who deal with the process directly are some of the best sources of information for how to improve the screening system.