One Year Ago: How Can No One Agree On The Color Of The Dress?

Photo originally taken by Cecilia Bleasdale and uploaded by Swiked on Tumblr. Photo used to illustrate the subject in question.
Photo originally taken by Cecilia Bleasdale and uploaded by Swiked on Tumblr. Photo used to illustrate the subject in question.

It’s been one year since a simple picture of a dress caused countless arguments, ruined relationships and nearly caused World War III.RS Airport

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that dramatic, but the dress certainly caused a lot of talk between friends, family, coworkers, and complete strangers on the internet.

Many online warriors took to yelling in ALL CAPS to tell others how stupid they truly are. “THE DRESS IS CLEARLY BLUE AND BLACK!” “HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING? WHITE AND GOLD!!!!”

The dress took the internet by storm, and it’s easy to see how something so pointless could gain so much momentum.

How can people see the same photo so differently? It baffled many, including myself.

A year later, does it really matter? I think the clear answer is no.

The dress was forgotten soon after it arrived. People forget that the dress even existed and life goes on without the two distinct camps at each other’s throats.

The dress was a fleeting glimpse at how passionately people can care about the pointless.

Did the color of that dress really have any impact on your life? I would certainly hope not.