Wyoming State Legislature Reaches Halfway Point

CHEYENNE – After two weeks spent largely addressing the state’s budget, the Wyoming Legislature reached the midway point for the 2016 Budget Session on Tuesday.300x250_RMB

“While the budget has been our primary focus this session, the legislatures’ business continues while the joint House & Senate conference committee works to hammer out final details of the budget,” said House Speaker Kermit Brown in a release. “Members have worked incredibly hard the past several weeks and we are continuing to address a number of high priority issues and bills this session.”

The midpoint for the legislative session, known as the crossover period, is the last day for third reading on bills in the house of origin. Any legislation that did not pass third reading in their primary chamber today will no longer be considered by the legislature.

Friday will be the last day for bills to be reported out of committee in the second house and Monday will mark the last day for Committee of the Whole on bills in the second house. March 2 will be the last day for third reading on bills in the second house. Lawmakers expect to wrap up the 2016 Budget Session by March 4.

At the start of the session, there were 170 bills in the House and 109 bills in the Senate numbered for consideration. Of these 279 bills, 175 came from individual legislators and 104 from committees. 158 bills have been passed out of their original house of origin. Bills still under consideration by the House and Senate include:

In addition to the bills currently being considered, legislators are also finishing work on the State’s 2017-2018 biennial budget. The bodies will spend this week reconciling the differences between the final Senate and House versions of the budget bill through a joint conference committee. After each Chamber votes to concur on the conference committee’s action, the bill will be sent to the Governor for his consideration.

The Wyoming Legislature encourages the public to continue to actively participate in the legislative process.  For a complete list of all the bills that are still active and to track their progress as the session continues, please visit the Legislature’s Website at www.wyoleg.gov.